
Alteryx is data wrangling software commonly deployed with other applications like Spotfire and Tableau. This category will contain articles on Alteryx best practices, tips, tricks, and learnings. I am a new Alteryx user and will post as my skills develop.

5 Tip for Troubleshooting Data Wrangling Problems

I’ve never found a great way to explain what I do. Analogies help right? The first analogous thing that pops into my head is a Rubix cube. My day to day work feels like trying to solve a Rubix cube over and over, and the cube is a big pile of dirty, messy data. Thus, much of my day to day is troubleshooting data wrangling problems.

Some days, it’s incredibly satisfying, as solving a Rubix cube is. Other days, I want to rip the stickers off and throw it out the window. When I drafted this post, I was in “rip the stickers off” mode. I was frustrated with how long it took to solve data wrangling problems. When I get in that mindset, I want to share what I learn so other people don’t suffer as much. Thus, this post discusses my top 5 ways to approach troubleshooting data problems. These methods will apply no matter what application you are working in or if the problem is related to data wrangling or logic problems. Read on for details.

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Drive Analytics Innovation with Efficiency

As regular readers know, I attended the Gartner Analytics Conference in Orlando a few weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been synthesizing my key takeaways in blog posts. My first key takeaway centered around Organizing the Chaos. Last week, I followed that up with a post on Governing Self Service BI. This week, I am writing up the last key take away — drive analytics innovation with efficiency.

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5 Ways to Increase Speed of Delivery

One of the most common problems I run into in while building Spotfire projects is requests that are too large. They begin simply with a request for data or a modification to an existing project. However, it quickly balloons into more and more until we’ve created a monstrously huge project. One of these monsters jumped on my desk last August, and I’ve been working on it since then with a few stops and starts. Last night, I wrapped up a week of work in Midland. I was about to shut down my machine when I realized I wanted to write up what I’ve learned about how to increase the speed of delivery in these monster project situations.

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