
How to Fix A Common Shared Inbox Trigger Error

A user reached out to me for help this week with a very specific, but also unhelpful, error message she received while running a cloud flow that uses the trigger When a new email arrives in shared inbox. The error starts with – “As of May 6, 2020, shared mailbox support”. The source of the error lies not in the trigger. The problem is somewhere else. Read on to learn how to easily fix this shared inbox trigger error.

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How to Prevent Email Triggers from Firing in Power Automate

Last week, I wrote a blog post that explained how to configure an email trigger for multiple strings. In other words, kick off the Power Automate flow when an email arrives with “Bug” or “Change Request” in the subject. I posted it on LinkedIn, and someone responded with a comment that showed how the same settings can be used to prevent email triggers from firing, such as when people reply to or forward an email with your subject filter. I love this use case, so I thought I’d explain it in its own post. Read on to learn more.

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How To Grab the File Extension of an Email Attachment

I’ve been working with email triggers a lot lately. Most of my use cases involve grabbing attachments from email and saving them on a shared drive. This is simple and easy to do, but….what you might not know about Power Automate is that it interprets any image in an email as an attachment. And, to avoid processing unnecessary files, the cloud flow should include a condition that looks at the file extension. So, how do you grab the file extension of an email attachment? It’s easy. Read on to find out.

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How To Build Power Automate Email Triggers With Multiple Strings

Our Automation team uses Microsoft Azure DevOps to track work. I wanted to build a Power Automate flow to monitor the team inbox, look for the words “Bug” or “Change Request” in email subjects, and then create an ADO bug or change request work item. This requires configuring an email trigger for multiple strings, which is a bit tricky. If you’ve never done it before, read on to learn more about Power Automate email triggers.

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How to Include Line Breaks In An Alteryx Email

I love watching the Alteryx Designer discussion boards because I learn new things all the time. This week, a discussion popped up where a user asked how they could incorporate line breaks in an email body. I found a Knowledge Base article that seemed to have the answer, although I wasn’t able to dig into it right away. I posted the link. One of the other ACEs dug into it immediately and posted a solution that I later refined. This is why the Alteryx Community is so awesome. Read on to learn how to incorporate line breaks in an Alteryx email.

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