data limiting

Data Limiting with Expression versus Show Hide

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on data limiting in Spotfire when column names change. I provided solutions using both data limiting with expression and the Show Hide Items function. I struggled to get working solutions in both because I expected them to work the same way, but they do not. Therefore, this week, I developed a comprehensive tutorial to show you what they can do and how they are different. Read on to learn more.

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Limiting Data When Columns Change

This week I worked with one of our engineers on a Spotfire project where he needed to filter out nulls and zeros from his visualizations. This should be easy, but users set the y-axis columns using a property control. Basic data limiting by expression was impossible because the columns kept changing. Limiting data when columns change is challenging but not impossible. There are two ways to do it. Read on to learn more.

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$esc and $map Functions in Spotfire

A while ago, I started a series on learning the Spotfire expression language. I made a lot of progress on it but got pulled off on a few side quests. This week, I return to that theme with an explanation of how to use the $esc and $map functions in Spotfire. Knowing how to use these functions will allow you to connect visualizations to property control to provide a more interactive experience for users. It will also give you greater insight into how Spotfire expressions really work. Read on if you want to be able to…

  • Create dynamic visualizations that update with changes to property controls.
  • Use data limiting with property controls.
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Data Limiting with Rules

Welcome to part 7 of my Spotfire Data Limiting Series. The first post in the covered data limiting with the filter and data panels. The second post talked about data limiting in the web player. The third post discussed limiting using filtering schemes. Then, I covered limiting with marking, limiting with expressions, and limiting with subsets. This is the final post in the series discussing data limiting with rules.

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Data Limiting with Subsets

Welcome to part 6 of my Spotfire Data Limiting Series. The first post in the covered data limiting with the filter and data panels. The second post talked about data limiting in the web player. The third post discussed limiting using filtering schemes. Then, I covered limiting with marking. Last week touched on limiting with expressions. This week, we talk about data limiting with subsets.

Very few users know about limiting with subsets. When I took TIBCO’s Spotfire Essentials course, subsets were covered. I subsequently eliminated them from my own Essentials training as there was just too much to learn. I don’t use them very often, so this post was a great opportunity for me to revisit and rethink when they are most useful.

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Data Limiting With Expressions

Welcome to part 5 of my Spotfire Data Limiting Series. The first post in the series covered data limiting with the filter and data panels. The second post talked about data limiting in the web player. The third post discussed limiting using filtering schemes. Last week, I covered limiting with marking. Now, we are on to limiting with expressions. As a new Spotfire user, I was enamored with filtering schemes, but as my skills developed, limiting with marking became my go-to method.

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Data Limiting with Marking

Welcome to part 4 of my Spotfire Data Limiting Series. The first post in the series covered data limiting with the filter and data panels. The second post talked about data limiting in the web player. The third post discussed limiting using filtering schemes. Now, we are on to limiting with marking, which many people know as creating details visualizations. This is one of my favorite features of Spotfire, and it’s one of the application’s many interactive features.

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Data Limiting in the Web Player

When I originally conceptualized the series on data limiting, I incorporated the web player at the end. I thought that by the end, I would have explained all the different methods of data limiting and would conclude with how those methods are limited in the web player.

I’m only one part in, and I realize data limiting in the web player needs to come before everything else. Each post explains when to use a particular method, and quite often you use (or don’t use) a method BECAUSE you are working in the web player. So, I am reordering things a little bit. Part 8 is now Part 2!

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