action controls

Use IronPython to Navigate Spotfire Pages

A user reached out to me on LinkedIn last week with questions about an IronPython script he found in the TIBCO Community. The script attaches to a drop-down property control and helps users jump from page to page. Buttons are usually my go-to navigation medium, but if you have a lot of pages, they take up a lot of space. Using a drop-down maximizes real estate while giving full navigation capabilities. Read on to learn how to use IronPython to navigate Spotfire pages.

Read More »Use IronPython to Navigate Spotfire Pages

How to Reset Marking When Changing Pages

  • Would you like to know how to reset marking when changing pages in an analysis?
  • Are you worried about users getting confused with markings on different pages and would like them to reset?
  • Are you using the same markings in multiple visualizations in an analysis?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, read on to find a simple solution that will reset all markings when a user moves to a different page.

Read More »How to Reset Marking When Changing Pages