
How to Pull the Right Data from SharePoint Tools in Alteryx

Many of the automation solutions we build incorporate Alteryx with Power Automate and Power Automate desktop. In many cases, we read and write to and from SharePoint lists. However, as you might know, the ODATA query is pretty slow, and you can’t refine the query in Alteryx. This post explains how to attack these two problems to make sure you get the right data as quickly as possible. Read on to learn more about SharePoint tools in Alteryx.

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SharePoint Site Missing in Power Automate

I’ve been doing a lot of Power Automate training lately, and I always ask one of the new users to drive so that I don’t go thru the demo too quickly. This is a great idea if everything goes smoothly. Spoiler….everything did not go smoothly. The Microsoft Team/SharePoint site that we needed to work with did not exist in the user’s drop-down list in the action. Not only did it not exist for my demo user. It didn’t exist for a lot of people, so this was a big problem. There is an easy fix though! Read on to learn how to fix this issue.

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Alteryx SharePoint List Input Tool Produces Nulls

Last week, I posted an article on how we are using Alteryx to Update SharePoint lists. While building out this solution, I ran into a problem where my SharePoint List input tool produced nulls. The SharePoint list was populated, but Alteryx was bringing in nulls. I wanted to elaborate on why this happens and how to fix it. Read on to learn more.

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