
How to Debug Alteryx Apps

Last week, I built my first app. Then, I added on to that app. As I added on to it, the app became more complicated, and I started running into problems. I reached out to the Alteryx VSC for assistance. Part of our troubleshooting processes involved debugging, which is critical to producing successful apps. If you are ever going to build an app, you must know how to debug. Read on to find out how.

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How to Rename Tabs in Alteryx Apps

When I built my first app a few weeks ago, I created multiple tabs in the user interface. You would think that renaming the tabs would be easy. It wasn’t easy the first time I did it, and the Alteryx support person I worked with while building the app couldn’t remember how to do it. I found the answer in this Community post but still struggled to make it work because the post doesn’t precisely describe what to click on. So, I’ll fill in where this post left off and show you why it’s tricky! Read on to learn how to rename tabs in Alteryx apps.

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Create Alteryx Apps with Pre-Populated Drop-Downs

This week, I built my first app and will be publishing several posts on what I learned. This post will explain how to build Alteryx apps with pre-populated drop-downs. Future posts will explain how to debug apps, as well as open and close containers with radio buttons. Read on to learn how to set this up in your own workflows and apps.

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