
Export a Filtered Table with Spotfire Automation Services

This week, a user asked me to export a filtered table from Spotfire and email it to him. I thought this would be quick with Spotfire Automation Services, but it rapidly turned into either “not possible” or “never gonna figure this out”. So, I reached out to TIBCO support for some assistance, and they were able to show me something new that I’d never seen in Automation Services. Read on to learn more.

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Error – Spotfire Could Not Publish

Our Spotfire admin is on PTO this week, so I am walking in my old shoes this week. A user reached out when he received the error message “Spotfire could not publish”, and he was unable to save in the Spotfire library. Nine times out of ten, this error is related to temp files being deleted while Spotfire is open. But that wasn’t what happened in this case. This time, the user was trying to save a DXP that was larger than the library limit, which only became a problem when he added on-demand controls to his project. Read on to learn why on-demand caused the problem and how we fixed it.

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Spotfire Prompts to Install Over and Over

This week, I ran into an issue with a user whose Spotfire desktop application kept prompting him to install the latest version of Spotfire (to match the latest version installed on the server). He would click install, and the installation would run. The next time Spotfire opened, the process would repeat itself. Fixing this isn’t a simple reinstall, but it is a relatively easy fix. Read on to learn how to solve this problem.

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How to Improve Spotfire Load Times

Long load times are a problem all Spotfire users struggle with eventually. The first step to reducing load time involves understanding which tables are taking the longest to load. Spotfire provides this information in the Help menu, but it’s not in a form that is easy to work with. This week, I need to help one of our project teams optimize their Spotfire project, so I built an Excel template to parse this data. Now I know what to go after in order to improve Spotfire load times.

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Join Logging Data Sets

This has been a busy, busy week. I’ve never posted an article a day before. I kicked off the week with my first post on Spotfire logging. I explained how to set up and configure logging, as well as install logging information links and a DXP with logging data. My second post explained how to interpret the data in the ACTIONLOG information link. The third post explained log categories and actions so that in the fourth post you could understand how to use all the other logging views. This is the final post of the week, which wraps everything up. It will explain how to join logging data sets to get exactly the logging data you need. Read on to find out more.

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Spotfire Logging Categories and Actions

Welcome to my Wednesday logging post, number 3 of 5 this week. The first post explained how to set up your Spotfire installation to log user actions. The second post detailed the questions you can ask and answer using the ACTIONLOG. This post sets the stage to understand all of the other logging views by taking a closer look at the LOG_CATEGORY and LOG_ACTION columns. With a good understanding of these categories, you’ll be able to use even more of the log data. Read on to learn more.

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How to Use the Spotfire ACTIONLOG

Yesterday, I posted on how to set up logging in Spotfire. At the end of that post, I showed you just how much data is available with logging, and it’s a lot. But, there is one place you can go to answer most logging question — the ACTIONLOG view. So, in this post, I will explain how to use the Spotfire ACTIONLOG data to understand user activity. We’ll ask and answer important questions like…

  • Is usage increasing or decreasing?
  • Is training helping users?
  • Who isn’t using their license?
  • Who are my top users?
  • What are the most commonly used files?
  • Who deleted my information link?

Read on to learn more.

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