Using Spotfire Property Controls

Using Slider Property Controls in Spotfire Text Areas

This post concludes my series on learning how to use Spotfire property controls. Yay! We will end the series with a tutorial on how to use slider property controls in Spotfire text areas. This post will feature three use cases, two involving numbers and one with strings. Read on to learn more about using label property controls in Spotfire.

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Using Label Property Controls in Spotfire

I am almost done with my series on learning how to use Spotfire property controls. We only have 2 controls left — labels and sliders. In this post, I’ll show you several different ways to use label property controls, and if you are registered for the TIBCO Analytics Forum, tune in to my breakout session for a look at using labels and IronPython scripts together. Read on to learn more about using label property controls in Spotfire.

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How to Connect A Spotfire Display Name To A Property Control

Property controls make Spotfire analysis more flexible. However, the developer loses some control over the display name because Spotfire assumes the display name should equal the column name and the aggregation. So what do you do if you want to get rid of the aggregation and show only the column name? This post will show you how to connect a Spotfire display name to a property control without the aggregation for a clean and dynamic solution. Read on to learn more.

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Using Input (multiple lines) Property Controls in Spotfire Text Areas

Welcome to week five of learning to use property controls. So far, I have covered drop-downs, list boxes, list box (multiple select), and input property controls. This week, I’ll cover input (multiple lines) property controls in Spotfire text areas. This particular property control performs well when users want to copy and paste identifiers (ex. well name, API, customer ID) and see only the data for those identifiers. Read on to learn more.

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How to Use Input Property Controls in Spotfire Text Areas

Welcome to week four of learning to use property controls. So far, I have covered drop-downs, list boxes, and list box (multiple select). Today we cover two different ways to use input property controls. If you’re in oil and gas, input property controls will be your go-to for creating type curves in reservoir engineering workflows. Read on to learn more about creating input property controls in Spotfire text areas.

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How To Create Drop Downs in Spotfire Text Areas

After 5 years of blogging about Spotfire, I’ve written very little about using property controls, which is a shame because they are one of Spotfire’s best features. It’s time to fix that with a 7 part series on how to create each of the different types of property controls. This week, we’ll start with what is perhaps the most used property control, the dropdown. Read on to learn how to create drop downs in Spotfire text areas.

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