Cross Tab

Alteryx Hack For Ensuring Data Granularity

In our last sprint, the AAET team worked up a series of Alteryx workflows for our annual planning process that combines forecast and actual data. It’s a massive data set that pulls from a new forecasting database, so we are beginners with this data. One of my coworkers, Jack Stewart, showed me an Alteryx hack he uses with Cross Tab tools to ensure the granularity of the data is what he thinks it is. As I took over his workflows, this hack saved me multiple times when I didn’t realize records had been duplicated. Read on to learn a new Alteryx trick!

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Create Alteryx Apps with Pre-Populated Drop-Downs

This week, I built my first app and will be publishing several posts on what I learned. This post will explain how to build Alteryx apps with pre-populated drop-downs. Future posts will explain how to debug apps, as well as open and close containers with radio buttons. Read on to learn how to set this up in your own workflows and apps.

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