How to Find Planner IDs for Power Automate

Power Automate integrates really well with other Microsoft applications like Teams, SharePoint, and Planner. Most actions involving these applications use drop-down lists where you can choose from a list of SharePoint sites or Teams. But, the drop-down list is NOT a list of all the Teams/SharePoint sites/Plans that you have access to. So what do you do when what you need isn’t in the drop-down list? In a prior post, I explained how to find the necessary ID for SharePoint. This post shows how to find Planner IDs to reference a specific Plan in Power Automate.

The Problem

The problem is that the group and/or plan that you want to access with Power Automate is not in the drop-down list.

The Solution

When the Plan you want isn’t visible in the drop-down list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select Enter custom value.

Now, you need the GroupID for the Plan and maybe also the PlanID. Both live on Login to, and go to this menu on the left-hand side of the screen. The first time I went looking for Planner, I clicked on Apps, and it wasn’t listed. I don’t know why not, but….

When I click on a different Apps button, it’s there. I would guess that maybe one list is frequently used apps, but even that logic doesn’t track based on what I see. Microsoft is full of mysteries.

Now, I can select Planner.

Then, navigate to the specific plan you want to access with Power Automate.

Once on the main screen for a Plan, copy the URL. It will look something like this. You want the groupID and the planID.<yourtenant>.com/en-US/Home/Planner/#/plantaskboard?groupId=a528875c-66f2-48d0-ae82-4271da618313&planId=Ezt0fE6nvk-BmabJBwWtrWQAF4ka

From above…

groupID = a528875c-66f2-48d0-ae82-4271da618313

planID = Ezt0fE6nvk-BmabJBwWtrWQAF4ka

Paste those strings into the GroupID and PlanID fields in Power Automate. Odds are after you do this, the Team and Plan will appear in the drop-down list in the future.

Now you know how to find the Planner IDs needed to work with Power Automate.

Other Sweet Power Automate Content

If you are new to Power Automate, you might enjoy my series on Learning Power Automate.


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